Organisational Diagnostic Review

Our Organisational Diagnosis Review process provides you with an insightful and accurate review of your unique business culture and team effectiveness. This is achieved by combining the strengths of both a quantitative and qualitative review. Our specialty is, uncompromising, accurate and insightful qualitative review. Testament to our results lies in the fact that our Diagnostic Reviews have never been challenged as to accuracy and they have been significant agents of organisational and personal change.

Key Outcomes:

The review or diagnostic snapshot will illuminate:

• Awareness of clients and stakeholder relationships;

• The quality of ones own group work and that of others;

• Conflicts at boundaries that are barriers to profitability;

• Change adaptability at the group and individual level;

• High or low employee morale and the reasons why;

• The effectiveness of up/down and across communication;

• The effectiveness of your teams; are they succeeding or failing?;

• Do the values and vision actually mean anything - do they influence positive behaviours and productive effort?

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Team Managagement systems