Assertive Stakeholder Culture Management
We have developed high involvement, team effective programs designed for middle and senior managers who are accountable in an assertive stakeholder or partnership culture. They effectively develop strategic and operational thinking, leading to business or operational plans that reflect the complex, demanding and risky nature of stakeholder relationships. It is based on the premise that stakeholder perception is paramount.

Key Outcomes:

• High level awareness of who critical stakeholders are and why their requirements are equally important;

• High level of awareness of the accountable risks in not meeting their requirements;

• Knowledge of the quality of the present relationship with them;

• Detailed knowledge of their requirements;

• A strategy to balance meeting the requirements of all critical stakeholders and organisational performance;

• Practical application of highly effective problem analysis and prioritisation tool;

• A set of statements of "intentions" and actions to meet the requirements of the critical stakeholders based on the concept of "how we intend to be seen by them".

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Team Managagement systems